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We are Olav. We are here for you!

When we started Olav, one thing was clear for us: you come first. Cooking connects and with Olav we want to create a place where every person always feels welcome. We want to give you the best customer service possible and simply give you a great experience with Olav. Every day anew.

Founder signature
Olav's founder and Wilma

Personal. Reliable. Warmly

Cooks icon


Cooking connects, Olav connects. We love cooking - especially together with you.

Personal Icon


You always come first. Whether you have a question, wish or comment, are looking for a new recipe or tip, or would like to send us your new creation - we are happy to hear from you.

Reliable Icon


We are a young, small team and always try to do our best. We are learning every day in order to constantly improve and to be able to give you joy. We are here for you and look forward to sharing Olav's journey with you.

Cooks icon


Cooking connects, Olav connects. We love cooking - especially together with you.

Personal Icon


You always come first. Whether you have a question, wish or comment, are looking for a new recipe or tip, or would like to send us your new creation - we are happy to hear from you.

Personal Icon


You always come first. Whether you have a question, wish or comment, are looking for a new recipe or tip, or would like to send us your new creation - we are happy to hear from you.

Reliable Icon


We are a young, small team and always try to do our best. We are learning every day in order to constantly improve and to be able to give you joy. We are here for you and look forward to sharing Olav's journey with you.

Cooks icon


Cooking connects, Olav connects. We love cooking - especially together with you.

Our Community Management Team

Olav would not be what it is without our team. We are incredibly proud of our Olav Community Managers, who do their best every day with joy, know-how, great dedication and passion for our customers.

beschichtete Olav Pfanne mit Deckel

Das Community Management Team

Ohne unser Team wäre Olav nicht was es ist. Wir sind unglaublich stolz auf unsere Olav Community Manager, die mit viel Freude, Know-How, großem Einsatz und Leidenschaft für unsere Kund*Innen wie Kochen jeden Tag ihr Bestes geben.

Olav bleibt dir Treu

Kundenservice Icon

Wir sind da

Unser kleines Team ist stets für dich und deine Fragen da. Wir freuen uns auf deine Mail!

Lieferservice Icon

Kein Risiko

Der Versand und der Rückversand ist für dich kostenlos (innerhalb Deutschlands & Österreichs)

Lass uns gemeinsam kochen!

Olavs Kochabend

Olav kocht mindestens einmal im Monat zusammen mit einem Profikoch und dir. Wie? Wir schicken dir vorab per Email eine Einkaufsliste wie Rezept zu und wir kochen alle LIVE via Zoom. Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Olavs Kochabend